Joint congress: EPIMAR -1st EPIgenetics in MARine biology congress- / GDR3E -Opening colloquium of the French working group Epigenetic in Ecology and Evolution-

EPIMAR – 1st EPIgenetics in MARine biology congress (public event, free of charge)

This first edition will explore cutting-edge aspects of epigenetics in marine biology: environmental epigenetics, developmental epigenetics and epigenetics in aquaculture. EPIMAR2020 aims at gathering scientists with interest in this field which has recently gained an increasing interest within the scientific community in biology.
The following key aspects will be presented:

  • Environmental epigenetics, the study of adaptive or non-adaptive epigenetic modifications over one or more generations, initiated in response to an environmental modification
  • Developmental epigenetics, the study of epigenetic changes involved in the fine regulation of gene expression involved in embryonic and cell differentiation in marine species
  • Epigenetics in aquaculture, with a focus for this first edition on epigenetic pathways which may be targeted by environmental cues to improve sustainable food production.

Cutting-edge presentations will provide opportunities for interaction and exchange and support for the growing international scientific community working on epigenetics in marine biology, which to date lacks a dedicated, regular and sustainable convention.

GDR 3E – 1st WebConference Epigenetics in Ecology and Evolution – (Private event)

The objective of the WebConference is to promote scientific exchange in the fields of epigenetics, evolution and ecology (3E), to facilitate exchange between senior scientists, PostDocs and PhD students, to establish collaborative networks, to identify scientific and societal challenges in the 3E context, and to define priorities for the actions of GDR-3E for the years to come. 

The format of the WebConference, the only way to be envisaged under Covid-19 conditions, allows also for exploring new ways of scientific exchange and networking. 

The conference will be organized in 2 half-day sessions with online talks, chat sessions and newsgroups. The general organisation is based on the project of the GDR-3E that is structured into work axes that will be presented as follows:

GDR-3E Axes are

1) Concepts, epistemological and historical bases of epigenetics 
coordinated by Francesca Merlin & Arnaud Pocheville

2) Molecular mechanisms of epigenetics 
coordinated by Séverine Chambeyron & Giacomo Cavalli

3) Quantitative epigenetics of populations, Transgenerational effects 
coordinated by Benoit Pujol, Stéphane Maury & Nicolas Bouché

4) Non-model species 
coordinated by Christoph Grunau & Nicolas Nègre

5) Repeated sequences and transposable elements 
coordinated by Cristina Vieira & Clémentine Vitte

6) Epigenetics and society 
coordinated by Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag & Séverine Louvel

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